Saturday, April 10, 2010

UK Pavilion at Shanghai Expo 2010 by Thomas Heatherwick

The pity here is that this building already called The Seed Cathedral could have been done by R&Sie(n) or by Philippe Rahm but it's not. So back from that fact, I think that is a great Ad, and don't be surprise because thats what a pavilion is all about... Advertisement. It has always been by default the most iconic architecture reflecting the countries way of thinking, since the beginning of the World Fairs it always have been this way.

UK has one of the best education in Landscape Architecture, and the inhabitants of UK in general love and appreciate landscapes and working on landscapes. So this iconic building focus on this issue and adds the sustainable point of view, which is the obsession to collect every single seed from the earth so they could be preserve.

Also the buiding has a very abstract shape, thanks to an "enclosure that throws out from all faces a mass of long, radiating cilia. Their length means they gently sway in response to any wind movement. It rests on its soft forest in an urban field, surrounded by a concrete canopy that resembles unfolded wrapping paper." Giving a really contemporary aura to the building (and the country) while making the building perception a truly enjoyment.

"The pavilion is covered in 60,000 transparent rods, each containing seeds from the Millennium Seed Bank in the UK."

Images of the project during last stages of construction:

Heatherwick studio

My only dislikable aspect is that is a copy from an older project also done by Heatherwick Studio called  Sitetooterie II in Essex Uk, meaning literally "sit oot" in a building.

The orange glow in that project are explained this way: "As the long thin windows all point at the exact centre of the cube, it only takes a single light source, located at this central point, to send light through every tube, causing the windows to glow orange. A small number of them also project into the cube to form seating."

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